Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Clothing not to be sniffed at

Corporate clothing supplier, Incorporatewear has become the first in the sector to offer Odegon DeOdor Tags, an invention which neutralises smells by capturing odorous molecules in a nano-porous mesh.

The Odegon mesh can be applied either during manufacture or to a finished garment - typically under the arm of a shirt - and provides an inert, long lasting and environmentally friendly solution to body odour.

Outside of sport, workwear is perhaps the most likely type of clothing to need extra protection, so Incorporatewear expects strong demand for the technology in the corporate clothing sector.

The Coleshill, Warwickshire-based company has approached clients to participate in trials of the DeOdor Tags and the response so far has been very positive.

Odegon Technologies is a technical fabric innovation company based in the UK.

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